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Helen's GM App (:

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Helen's GM App (: Empty Helen's GM App (:

Post  Spongebob Tue May 24, 2011 9:01 pm

Your Real Name: Helen

Your Age: 12

Your IGN: EpicFaii / Because

Your Date Of Birth: 7th of December

Time Zone you are In: Australia (+10:00)

What Times do you play the most: I play everyday except some I might be busy going somewhere or doing homework/studying. Mon - thu 5:00pm - 10:00pm , Fri : 5:00pm - 11:00pm , Sat : 12:00pm - 11:00pm (I might afk during the time coz of eating, showering etc. Sun : 12:00pm - 10:00pm.

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: GMs have great responsibilities and I personally think that I can do a good job because I will not slack on anything. Besides wanting GM powers I also want to help orangestory to become a better server with more players and make it a warm and happy place/society. I could help ask more players to join (I have already asked two players and they both joined, their ign are : Inspiration and Hopeless). I will also definitely make events as fun and exciting as possible for new players. This could result in the players asking their own friends to join Orangestory. The reason why I feel that I deserve this job is because I can really help the server in many ways. I will catch all the hackers and jail all the spammers (after 3 warnings). Im a person with a great sense of humour and wont get all emotional with little things. I like to joke around so dont take it as a offense (; becoz you know i love you <3 NOT jksjsk . I will be super super active and conrtibute my best, creating laughter, joy and love to all the players <3 (To all those sick minded people, by this I dont mean making love Razz.) PS: if i get picked im spying on everyone to make sure they're doing the right things xD.

What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: I would help others and listen to them as well as trying my best to be a great GM, Greeting and guiding new players so they feel more welcomed and happy ;D. As well as socially contributing I will host events often and try to catch hackers. As being GM I would become much more active and go on as frequently as I can. I will also go onto the forum and post/update necessary things. I can also show my epic skillz to everyone! Nah im jking, Im just a normal player like everybody else but im very keen and will attempt at everything even if I fail xP .

How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: I have only started a few weeks ago, so im pretty new to this server. Although, I have alot of experiences in maplestory private server. This might make me seem like a freak but I starting mapling when i was around 8 years old ;3 .

Do you have coding experience: I dont really have alot of experience but Ive done noob java scripts before Razz

Do you have GFX Experience: Yesh, I can GFX this includes some map editing, banner making and some web development. During my experience I made my own fm map (but its really fail xD) I created a forum for a server thats now closed ( as well as a few banners (:

Any other information we should know: I have never been a GM before but I am certain that I will do a great job. I believe I should be a GM because I need a
chance since I have never been one before. =] Although I havent been a GM before I have lots of experience from other things.

PS: Im very serious with this job and will not abuse it. I hope I get picked, and im sorry if this wasted your time or bored you. Very Happy


Posts : 2
Points : 9580
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-05-22

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