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Alias' GM Application

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Alias' GM Application Empty Alias' GM Application

Post  Alias Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:32 pm

Your Real Name:Linh
Your Age:16
Your IGN:Alias
Your Date Of Birth:11/16/1995
Time Zone you are In:USA:Central Time Zone
What Times do you play the most:I am able to play anytime throughout my daytime(as in 8AM-2AM) and bit of night too.(I don't have anything to do during the day)
Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: I am fine with any position and will not whine or say i want to be promoted
What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory:I can help test out anything,and help my community in as many ways i can.
How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: I've have started a few days ago,but have not been able to get online
Do you have coding experience: I do not know how to code,though i wish to learn
Do you have GFX Experience: None
Any other information we should know:I am liked by most people(99%),and able to be on server alot,also i wish to add that i can solved some minor,ones that i've deal with already.

Thank You For Taking Time To Look Over My Application


Posts : 2
Points : 9517
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-06-23

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