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Yonnie's GM Application

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Yonnie's GM Application Empty Yonnie's GM Application

Post  megafalcon Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:26 pm

Your Real Name :
Soh Yong Han

Your Age:
12[13 in 2 month times]

Your IGN:

Your Date Of Birth:
28 August 1998

Time Zone you are In:
UTC/GMT +8 hours

What Times do you play the most: (Be specific, we really do want to know.)
Monday~Friday[4pm-10.30pm] Saturday~Sunday[12pm-11pm]

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: (Take some time with this one, put some thought into what makes you better than everyone else?)Well, I can host events for player. I am very active and i have lots of spare time. I can catch hackers with enough evidence such as screenshots. If I were a GM. I doesn't ban people very often. I would give them 3 warnings, and after 3 warnings, I would jail them for specific timing depending on their mistake. I could get many people and friends to play this server. I have many friends in Garena. I can ask them to try out this server although they aren't me real-life friends, but we're very close. Very Happy
What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: I can bring joy and laughter to the players and not having player rage quitting.
How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: (Specific to date)
About 1~2 week ago I started playing OrangeStory.

[color=darkblue]Do you have coding experience: (If you have some in what fields and for how long? Also be specific on what types of games/servers you coded.)No, but i know the code IDs for items and NPC.
Do you have GFX Experience: (If you claim to have experience here, make sure you back it up with some samples.)
Any other information we should know: (Any fun things you like to do? Good ideas? Side notes? Any talent that could attract players to forums or the game?)I love steak.

Posts : 2
Points : 9546
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-06-08

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