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EsJay's Gm Application.

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EsJay's Gm Application. Empty EsJay's Gm Application.

Post  EsJay Tue May 17, 2011 2:38 am

Your Real Name: ????
Your Age: ??
Your IGN: ???
Your Date Of Birth:??/??/????
Time Zone you are In: ?????
What Times do you play the most: (Be specific, we really do want to know.) ??-??
Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: (Take some time with this one, put some thought into what makes you better than everyone else?)
What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ??????????
How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: (Specific to date) 1-2years
Do you have coding experience: (If you have some in what fields and for how long? Also be specific on what types of games/servers you coded.) ??
Do you have GFX Experience: (If you claim to have experience here, make sure you back it up with some samples.) ???
Any other information we should know: (Any fun things you like to do? Good ideas? Side notes? Any talent that could attract players to forums or the game?) ????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????


Posts : 1
Points : 9589
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-05-17

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