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Jason's GM Application

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Jason's GM Application Empty Jason's GM Application

Post  Crymson Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:57 am

Your Real Name: Jason

Your Age:15, 16 in 13 days.

Your IGN: Jason

Your Date Of Birth: July Second (2nd), 1995

Time Zone you are In: EST

What Times do you play the most: I play anywhere from 9 P.M. to 8 A.M.

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: There are many reasons why I could be better than others. I will not, however, say I am better than everyone else. I can get on while my superiors rest. I can make sure that no hacker slips through our server to cause havoc unto the players of this wondrous server. I will obey all rules, and follow them without exception, If someone disobeys them, then I shall speak with a Game Master+ about the punishment they shall receive. I have very basic GFX experience, as I have just now started to explore photoshop (I know, im very late on this)

What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: I can bring more players through making banners and advertising in different locations. I can also talk to my friends (Real life, not online) and get them to join. I can make banners for the server, as previously mentioned. I can also scan through the forums, to check for anything suspicious, as to leading to malicious things, IE: Hacks or unneeded content.

How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: From June 18, 2011 11:53 PM-Present.

Do you have coding experience: I have no coding experience, though I would like to learn, If you have someone who could teach me.

Do you have GFX Experience: I have very basic GFX ability. The only thing I can back this up with is the signature I made. Which can be found

Any other information we should know: (Any fun things you like to
do? Good ideas? Side notes? Any talent that could attract players to
forums or the game?)

I love to skateboard, and I am fairly good at it. I have a pet turtle, which is pretty cool in my opinion.
I can come up with some ideas... hmm... lets see... You could add a voting system which gives rewards to help power up your character. IE: 5 Vote Points gives you the option of a Zakum Helmet that adds +50 to every stat, or 3 Gm scrolls of your choosing.

Thank you for your time in reading my application, and I hope your days will be excellent from now till forever.

Posts : 4
Points : 9526
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-06-20
Age : 28

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Jason's GM Application Empty Re: Jason's GM Application

Post  Chac Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:56 am

Nyaa! Colourful.

Congratulations is given to you on this wonderful application, It has earned you your spot.

Good Luck on Intern and promotions are available

Posts : 26
Points : 15234
Reputation : -16
Join date : 2011-04-30

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Jason's GM Application Empty Re: Jason's GM Application

Post  Ecrusher Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:08 am

Lol Lumi Smile You sure hell love colours xD Smile


Posts : 8
Points : 9525
Reputation : -1
Join date : 2011-06-22

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