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Michelle's GM Application

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Michelle's GM Application Empty Michelle's GM Application

Post  Mishee Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:56 am

Your Real Name: Michelle Tawater
Your Age: 13
Your IGN: Michelle
Your Date Of Birth: July 1st 1997
Time Zone you are In: MST

What Times do you play the most: (Be specific, we really do want to know.): 8+ hours Monday-Friday and about 4-5+ hours on the weekends.

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: (Take some time with this one, put some thought into what makes you better than everyone else?): I'm very friendly, I'm very dedicated to games, I can play for hours.

What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: More people, more advertisements, less hackers.

How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: (Specific to date): since 2 p.m this morning.

Do you have coding experience: (If you have some in what fields and for how long? Also be specific on what types of games/servers you coded.) I haven't coded yet, but when school starts I might be able to find a class or someone who can teach how to code once school starts up again.

Do you have GFX Experience: (If you claim to have experience here, make sure you back it up with some samples.) I've only did 1 it's not that good because I was trying to cut the background off but here is the link

Any other information we should know: (Any fun things you like to do? Good ideas? Side notes? Any talent that could attract players to forums or the game?): I like to Rollerskate a lot I go every weekend for at least 16 hours total, Maybe more custom stuff like custom backgrounds stuff people might enjoy looking at and exploring, I'm not really good at thinking of titles so you pick but a game where they give hints by saying the 1st line 2nd line 3rd line of the lyrics and they have to guess the song and the artist/band and whoever it features. I don't know if you guys have this one but russian roulette it's where you have different tiles or whatever to stand on you start the timer for like 10 seconds and they jump around or pink a tile and the gm has to go into hide before the timer starts and pick a tile and hen once the timer stops the gm unhides and if people are on that tile they lose and have to leave the event and you do that until the very last person or few people.


Posts : 3
Points : 9517
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-06-24
Age : 26
Location : Colorado

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