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Eagle's GM application

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Eagle's GM application Empty Eagle's GM application

Post  Eagle Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:37 am

Your Real Name: Kaseem

Your Age: 13

Your IGN: Eagle

Your Date Of Birth: 1998/6/17

Time Zone you are In:
(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

What Times do you play the most: (Be specific, we really do want to know.)
1:00pm ~ 11:00pm Monday to sunday, could change depending on what im doing, but i can play for really long

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: (Take some time with this one, put some thought into what makes you better than everyone else?) Well i will bring some thing new to this server and try to get more people on it, ill make more events, help out new players give some idea's that can really help, i have not been a gm before but eveyone needs a chance to show what they got, i could need training to know all about a gm but i have good idea's unique qualities to bring and helping new players Exclamation

What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: Event idea's, more help to players, and unique skill's

How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: (Specific to date) Well, 23/6/2011 but i know loads about this server all ready

Do you have coding experience: (If you have some in what fields and for how long? Also be specific on what types of games/servers you coded.) No, but i have tried to learn

Do you have GFX Experience: (If you claim to have experience here, make sure you back it up with some samples.) No.

Any other information we should know: (Any fun things you like to do? Good ideas? Side notes? Any talent that could attract players to forums or the game?) Im trying to get into the music area (singing) and i have loads of event idea's
Very Happy What a Face

I tried to do some thing different with the colours :S lol but hope you like it, and thank you for reading!


Posts : 4
Points : 9520
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Join date : 2011-06-24
Age : 26
Location : United Kingdom, birmingham

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