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Bananakings Coder Application

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Bananakings Coder Application Empty Bananakings Coder Application

Post  bananaking Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:07 pm

So I don't know if your hiring coders or not but I thought I mine as well make the app anyway becaue its 3am and I'm bored Razz. So here goes.(P.S. I'll follow the GM App layout and through in some code somehow O.o).

Real Name: Conner

Age: 14....

IGN: Bananaking

DOB(Date of birth): 06/28/1997 (June 28th 1997)

Timezone: EDT (Eastern Time)

Playtimes: Since its summer I'd say whenever you need me but usually 12pm-12am

Deserve position: I am not the best coder, I'm not that great I can basically code any npc just might be a few errors because I type really fast so theres always typos and left out ;. I can't really say I'm better than alot of people I guess I'm better than some people.

Thought on things your can bring: I think if you gave me some time to do so I could create some cool custom npcs(I dont know how to change npcs name or look). I do know some netbeans stuff (java).

How long have I played: Counting today, today, lol I just started playing but your DEFINATELY not my first private server. I've been playing and making private servers for a while now.

Coding experience: Of course I do or else this app would be worthless heres some code(I'll code it fresh just for you guys Very Happy)
/* Author: Conner @ OrangeStory
  Date: 06/22/2011
  Example Npc
 var status = 0;
 function start() {
   status = -1;
   action(1 ,0 ,0);
 function action(mode,type,selection) {
 if (mode < 1) {
 cm.sendOk("Alright have fun in OrangeStory!");
else if (mode == 1) {
if (status == -1) {
else {

if (status == 0) {
cm.sendNext("This is a really great server isn't it?");

else if (status == 1) {
cm.sendOk("Well have a good time heres some stuff");
cm.gainItem(1002553, 1);


I have coded all my servers(which would be 3 or 4), I've also coded for BeastStory a pretty successful private server.

GFX experience: None, plain and simple.

Extra Information: I'm kind of weird, uhhhh I'm still learning netbeans stuff so don't expect me to code a whole repack or something but I have a basic knowledge of Java (netbeans). I've basically mastered npc scripting (don't quote me on that Razz). Thats pretty much it, by the way if you decline I'm not gonna quit server because this servers pretty sweet Very Happy.


Posts : 1
Points : 9513
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2011-06-23

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Bananakings Coder Application Empty Re: Bananakings Coder Application

Post  Chac Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:24 am

Good Application Format Considering I Didn't Make One.

You're pretty good with NPC's as I see.

Well we could use an Extra coder on our server.

Welcome to the Coding Team, Please log in to recieve your GM status.

Good Luck


Posts : 26
Points : 15234
Reputation : -16
Join date : 2011-04-30

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