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Touma's GM Application

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Touma's GM Application Empty Touma's GM Application

Post  Touma Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:11 pm

Your Real Name: Rick
Your Age: 15
Your IGN: Touma
Your Date Of Birth: September 9th, 1995
Time Zone you are In: Cali, Pacific, Western Canadian, Whatever you wanna call it, or more like Pacific Standard Time (PST) GMT - 8

What Times do you play the most: I play whenever it feels like a good time to play, which can be really anytime. I honestly don't feel like logging on if I just don't FEEL it. Confining the time you play to a certain EXACT area is really too straight-forward. There are plenty of GMs as we speak, so I could definitely say at least one will be on at all times monitoring everything.

Why you feel you deserve the GM Position: Persuasion isn't my best subject here but let's have a go. Having the GM position wouldn't make a large freakin' difference to me, although I'd like to give it a try. I have had no previous experience being a GM in all truths (Most likely due to the fact I never applied or bothered to become one.) Most private servers back then didn't offer too many GM positions as well so I didn't even bother to check, more like just enjoy bein' there and saying hi to all my bro's. Well a new server and the possibility of being one intrigued me so I thought, "heck may as well give it a try." If someone other than me really does have greater experience and would be honored for the job, it would be my pleasure to allow them to be in my place, as it's more about allowing those to provide greater support to the community itself. Or maybe even allow someone who doesn't even know how to jump, let people get the chance to take it up and learn it. There's just no specific reason why a person becomes a GM some of the times, they just do. Man, none of this sounded exactly PROFESSIONAL, but I'm not the kinda of serious kinda guy. I just don't enjoy seeing those GMs that are too uptight and be floppin' their balls all over the place. Well, whatever happens it's good with me.

What do you think you can bring to OrangeStory: Nothing much actually, much of what people put in this actually doesn't apply unless you have some actual handling business such as Coding or GFX. Most likely because whatever I put here at least 10 other people have probably said the same thing so I'd rather just say this.

How Long have you been playing OrangeStory: 20 minutes (6/22), I just felt like posting this.

Do you have coding experience: Coding experience? I could honestly ATTEMPT to code if someone gave me some thorough instructions, I pick up pretty fast. Other than that I have none of this.

Do you have GFX Experience: GFX sounds pretty nice, but again, I haven't bothered to do anything like this but just enjoy playing on a private server. I do admire the people who take the time to learn and try to at least make the experience even better, something I honestly would like to try in the future.

Any other information we should know: Okay so we get some tacos. And we have a party. And we EAT the tacos. How great is this idea? I know everyone would agree with me. Tacos aside, I definitely tried to avoid the continuous repetition of applications as it happens quite often. Although, I really haven't READ all of the posts as it requires some time to do so. (I looked at the other posts and while color DID in fact look nice, it looked like a lot of work to just read even if you could highlight it, just came to me as an eyesore. So plain OG text is fine with me. *Fix'd I would suppose...)

Take your time reading this, if it feels like a lot of work at the time then save it for later. I'd feel the same way.

Cool guy with no experience looking for job, inquire within. inb4 hobo

Last edited by Touma on Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 2
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Join date : 2011-06-23

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Touma's GM Application Empty Re: Touma's GM Application

Post  Ecrusher Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:52 am

Hey Welcome to the forums!

I know this sound like an wannabe - Mini moderating sentence. But please change that you have an empty sentence each new Question. You cannot see when there is another question nor answer. It will be very hard to read + this is like 10 year old basic knownledge. Sorry for that but It's hard to see very bad.

And If you read some of Lumi's past posts you can see he likes it colourful <3 (:.


Posts : 8
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Join date : 2011-06-22

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